EDM Producers - 3 final things to do before the year ends.

As we come into the holiday season and year end, it's the perfect time to celebrate our achievements and set our sights on future goals.

Before the year ends though, there are 3 house-keeping activities I do every year which have led to 10x growth the following year.

1. Yearly Recap

Write down either in a journal or a big word document a summary of everything you did this year.

There's no set structure.

Simply write down a yearly summary of what you did throughout the year - a highlight of your year.

Your wins

Your losses

Your biggest achievements

Things you wish you did different.

The more detailed and personal you make this, the better.

The goal is to get your mind thinking about your accomplishments, the things you can be grateful for and the things you wished were better.

I like to also give myself a rating out of 10 how happy I was with my progress and effort I put throughout the year.

Last year, I gave myself a 7.5 - 8 /10.

(Usually I'm pretty harsh on myself so this is quite high for me)

I also analyzed and looked at the progress I've made on my production quality and songs.

Look at the song you made last year at the same time vs the latest song you just made - notice and appreciate the growth and improvements you've made.

2. Plan Ahead and Goal Set

80% of your success comes from setting and writing down your goals.

Sounds cliche but it works like nothing else.

This is partly because you have real targets to aim for the next year vs a general feeling of

"I want to grow my artist project"


"I want my mixes to sound professional"

It's also key for motivation.

When it's the middle of July and you feel tired and like giving up and taking it easy like everyone else - looking at your goals you've set will light your fire again.

I recommend you follow the S.M.A.R.T goal setting framework

The more specific and targeted your goal is, the better.

Your brain and subconscious needs something aim for and writing down your goals is what starts that process.

The 1 to 2 hours it takes for you to properly write down your goals will save you so much wasted effort and energy in the coming year.

Whether it's

  • Releasing new music to grow your audience

  • Improving your mixing skills to release better songs

  • Growing your audience and leveraging that to reach bigger DJs and artists

Setting S.M.A.R.T goals will guide your efforts and motivate you for the year ahead.

3. Rest and Recharge with Friends and Family

Take at least 1 or 2 extra days off.

Forget about your stress, anxiety and worry in that time.

Give your mind and body the break it needs to reset and recover.

Use this time to prepare and goal set with the above 2 activities.

Take the time to relax, enjoy quality moments with friends and family, and replenish your creative spirit.

Wanted to also appreciate you and say thanks for all your support - especially if you've been with me since day 1.

So much has changed and so much is in motion to change for next year.

One of my my goals and mission for 2024 is to help 100 producers finally start kicking-a** with their music.

If one of your goals is to take your music serious in 2024,

whether that be

1. Figuring out how to start good ideas efficiently.

2. How to finish those high quality ideas into full songs consistently

3. How to mix and master your songs to be clean, crisp & loud like the pros

4. How to sound design and create what you hear in your head

5. And to grow your audience and artist project and leverage that to network and reach out to bigger DJs, play big shows and tour.

I strongly recommend you check out the free EDM producer training here.

It goes over how to start doing all this and how I can help you get there as part of my mission in 2024 to do so.

Happy holidays and speak to you in the new years,


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