Quit running from fear - its whats causing you to fail (Focused Finisher Series pt. 4)

Our mindset and attitude fully determines our success.

If you don't believe its possible for you to create and finish incredible songs, grow your artist project and even to take it full time - you won't.

Not because you suck and can't - but because your lack of belief means you won't seek out the right knowledge or do the work required to be successful.

Its that simple.

This isn't just for music.

It's for your entire life and anything you do.





The extent of your success hangs on your belief in what you can achieve.

So the #1 you can do right now is to say;

"I believe I can make music on the level of my favourite artists and I believe I can reach my ideal lifestyle".

It's hard to think like this when all the proof you have might be of the opposite - but ask yourself "what's the worst that will happen if I start thinking like this?"

You don't get a label release,

your music quality doesn't improve,

your music doesn't get heard around the world?

Achieving even one of those is worth starting to believing in yourself - let alone all of them which my students and I have done.

I say that not to brag but to show you that if we can do it - so can you!

But it ALL starts with the simple belief in yourself that you can achieve your goals.

In spirit of that, I want to touch on the biggest mindset shift which will help you in and out of music to truly make a shift in your life.

"What if I fail" (fear of failure)

The only way to overcome your fear is to move through it and act in the direction of your goal, in-spite of fear.

A good acronym for fear is:





A lot of times, our fear comes from what we think others we care about might say if we fail or don't do well in their eyes.

But at the end of the day,

would you rather regret NOT giving it your all and living for other people's opinions


Would you rather face your fears, achieve all your goals and live your best life?

Everything you want is on the other side of fear - so believe in yourself and push past it.

I can't tell you how many times I was too scared to start posting content and how many years I wasted because of it.

I had only started to make content just over a year ago.

Had I started even 2 or 3 years ago, I'd be so much further along with everything.

And it was the silliest things that would hold me back.

Fear of what my family would think, my friends, my co-workers - all ridiculous reasons to give up my dreams for.

And this fear is the biggest thing that stopped me from releasing and getting feedback on my music to make it better and grow my project.

This made me operate with the belief that quality > quantity.

But this only applies to highly skilled individuals - not beginners.

When you're first learning a skill, you need to get the reps in.

This gets you learning the in's and out's of everything.

As you get more skilled and knowledgeable, you gradually transition to an emphasis on quality (creative retention)

Starting with quality only leads to years of frustration and bad results.

And the reason you're starting with quality is due to fear of putting out a product you feel isn't "perfect".

Perfection is the enemy of progress

Here are some thought exercises to help you decide to push through your fears.

1. What's the worst that can happen and if it does, how does that affect you in the next week, month, year?

2. What happens in 3 years if you don't change what your doing now and don't face your fear?

3. How does NOT facing your fear affect your family, your health, your current work/job, your kids?

4. If you face your fear, what happens to your life, your family, your health, your future etc?

These will not get rid of your fear, they will instead give you the courage to face your fear and overcome it.

Again, the only way through your fear and to reach your true goals - is through fear, acting in spite of it!

This is why I keep saying to believe in yourself and that it is possible for you to reach your goals, because it truly is just a matter of information.

But the reason you won't seek out the info, is because you don't believe in yourself due to fear of failure!

And this endless cycle of non-action "limbo" repeats over and over until one day, you look back and realize how little's changed.

And that's the worst feeling...

Now look, if you're ready to start believing in yourself and are ready to take action on your goals.

To finally make this the year where things truly start to change for you and your music,

Check out this free EDM Producer training - it shows you exactly how we will help you reach your goals in 2024.

The goal of this series and last 4 letters is to help you understand the value of the systems I teach and how it will help you as it has for me and our students.

I want to encourage you to take the next step and speak with my team and I to see how we can get you to your goals based on your specific situation.

Our goal for 2024 is to help just 50 producers achieve results like my students and I.

Again - check out this free EDM Producer training - it explains a lot about how we'd help you, how I've helped others and their results, and what you can do next.

Hope you enjoyed the series and I'll talk to you soon.

Till then,



How I Help you


Ways to instantly produce better drops


you can grow your artist project on autopilot with this (Focused Finisher Series pt. 3)