inspired by others songs but when going to make something similar, it never sounds good?

Yep, I remember this like it was yesterday.

It was 2019 around April, right after C19 went global.

I was in my room after work and I was trying for hours to make a specific Virtual Riot sound.

I know, probably not the best artist to try and copy but still, I was obsessed.

But even after 2-3 hours of messing around in Serum, I wasn't able to make anything close to the sound.

And it sucked.

Then I got really annoyed with it and quit for the day.

This continued for another 10-12 months as I struggled to grasp sound design.

It sucked and I didn't know why.

Looking back, here's what would have helped me create the songs I envisioned faster without all the frustration.

Objective vs Subjective

There's only 2 categories which you fall under.

1. Objectively, your music sucks (technical skills)

2. Subjectively, you think your music sucks (mindset)

Objectively, your music sucks (technical skills)

If your music actually sucks, then you gotta just keep practicing to get better.

And the faster you get better at it, the faster you will stop hating your ideas and songs.

Check this out if you want to start better song ideas faster.

You won't always suck, its just that you suck right now and with more practice, it will get better - like anything else in life.

Everyone started bad at something but with consistent, intentional effort, they were able to get better and better.

I dont have to explain it more, its super simple.

Just hard to execute, and thats why most give up.

Subjectively, you think your music sucks (mindset)

Noww… if you know your music objectively is good.

Like you know everything about sound design, arrangement, composition, sample selection etc.

Then you’re overthinking and falling victim to perfectionism and fear of judgement.

You trying to make your song perfect before you get the idea down is like trying to catch those little dandelion seeds that are floating in the air now.

The harder you try to catch one, the further it flies away from you.

But if you gently reach for it and allow it to fall into your hand, you can hold onto it.

Our creativity and music is like this.

There is a delicate balance between staying in a creative mode.

Its super fragile and even the slightest shake can put you out of it.

a good term would be a “glass cannon” ( my gamer friends know what im talking about)

Now, fixing this mindset shift isn't straightforward like being objectively bad.

It often requires introspection, self-compassion, and even seeking external support from another perspective.

So try reaching out to another producer who you trust, someone you know has been producing a lot, or even a friend or family member.

Just be careful with the last 2.

They might not give you the reaction you want.

And that might make you feel even worse about it.

If you want to start better song ideas faster without hating everything you make, I made this free guide for you.



How I Help you


I used to always overthink my mix until I changed my perspective on this...


you'll start making the exact sounds you want when you understand this...