you'll start making the exact sounds you want when you understand this...

You don't have to over do your sound design!

I used to always try fancy wavetable and start adding more effects, more macros, more modulations, crazy lfo patterns.

All trying to make a certain sound I liked.

But the problem was that I assumed there was some hidden, secret technique top producers use.  

Or they are doing some magical sound design they discovered in an old reddit forum or something lol.

No one has time to be complicated

I used to think complication is the solution, especially for sound design.

But after learning sound design, investing in feedback, and working with other producers ahead of me... I learned the truth was wayyy simpler.

They would literally only use basic shapes 90% of the time!

It's like occam's razor - the most likely solution is the simplest one.

The key to their catchy sounds is in the way they combine different techniques together.

And its all the basics too.

  • Filters, resonances

  • Compression

  • Distortion

  • EQ

This is the "go to tool belt" of the best sounds.

So if you can't make 90% accurate sounds with those tools alone - don't worry and start going crazy adding more effects, modulations etc.

You're instead missing a better grasp of the fundamentals of sound design and how it works.

It's not only music where this applies

I want to highlight also how important keeping things simple is.

A big part of what I teach producers in the program is the use of systems, in and out of music production.

I wrote a whole bunch on all the systems we use and what they are.
Click here to check out that series.

In essence, the key to being highly productive with the least amount of effort is to use systems.

For your health and fitness, your wealth, your lifestyle etc.

Everything can be systemized and easy to work with.

My favourite saying is "simple but effective".

And I do my best to live by that in everything I can.

Steps to fix your sound design

1. Diagnose where your problem lies

How aware are you of what your sounds are missing?

Do you know the solution but simply can't do it yet?

Or is it more vague with a general feeling that your sounds don't sound like how you wan't, and you don't know why...

On a scale of 1-10, rank yourself on your level of problem awareness.

1 being you have no idea why your sounds suck.

10 being you know what to do to make your sounds better but just can't do it yet.

2. Where is the solution to your problem?

Now that you know your level of problem awareness, you should also have a better idea of where to go to find the solution.

Ask yourself,

"Where is the solution to my sound design problem?"

"Who has the solution to it?"

With this, you'll know your problem and know where to go to solve it.

3. How do I get the solution

Now that you've identified your problem and know where to get the solution, you can now get help!

Maybe it's from YouTube videos, a course, working with another experienced producer, a mentorship program etc.

As Einstein said

You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

This is why finding sources of experience you can tap into that already have the solution and made it simple to understand is key.

You'll be spinning your wheels trying to solve it on your own and this will lead to even more frustration on top of what you already feel.

So again, remember KISS - Keep It Super Simple



How I Help you


inspired by others songs but when going to make something similar, it never sounds good?


Increase your boundaries, increase your output